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If your business who hires security guards you need to ensure that your security staff follow SIA (Security Industry Authority) licence display rules. There are a lot of organisations that think that it is enough for the security officer to just have the licence and that they don’t need to display it or that it looks messy to display it. Well you might be in for a shock when you learn that displaying the licence is a legal requirement. Not only that it also has the added benefit of building trust with security touchpoints. Today we are going to cover everything you need to know about staying compliant when it comes to SIA licences being displayed when working.
Why Must SIA Licenses Be Displayed?
Security staff in the UK, such as security guards, door supervisors and CCTV operators, are required to display their SIA licences while on duty. This shows that they are qualified and have passed background checks. It is a condition of their licence, so is not optional. There are very few circumstances where a licence doesn’t need to be displayed and this is normally when the officer is performing covert tasks such as store detective work, undercover security or discreet close protection services.
If your security service doesn’t fall into one of these niche categories then you need to make sure that all security staff wear their licences correctly. This helps reassure clients and employees that you take safety and professionalism seriously.
What Are The Rules For Displaying An SIA License?
The main rules for displaying the SIA licence are pretty straightforward:
1. Wear It at All Times when on duty and make sure the licence secured using a lanyard or clip and worn on the outside of clothing so it is clearly visible.
These simple steps help security staff stay compliant. In 2023, over 1,200 licences were revoked or suspended for issues like improper licence display. Source: Get Licensed.
What Happens If A Licence Isn’t Displayed?
Not following these rules and displaying an SIA licence properly when working can lead to problems and ultimately it can incur fines or suspensions from SIA inspectors. Also, clients can lose trust if they see their contract security staff working without visible licences.
For example, if you’re hosting a big event, you need everything to run smoothly. If your security team doesn’t display their licences, it could raise doubts about their qualifications and legitimacy to work in the industry. Are they using a friends licence? or do they have something to hide? All these thoughts could be running through the clients mind.
Who Needs To Display An SIA Licence?
The rules apply to front-line security staff apart from the covert one’s mentioned in the first section. So basically the rules apply to:
- Security Guards: Protecting property and monitoring access.
- Door Supervisors: Managing entrances at venues like bars or events.
- CCTV Operators: Monitoring spaces through surveillance.
Non-front-line staff, like managers, don’t need to display their licences but must still hold valid SIA licence numbers if they are overseeing licensable activities.
How Can You Ensure Your Security Are Keeping To Their SIA Licence Display Conditions?
Here are our practical ways to stay compliant:
- Make sure your security provider confirms that all staff are licensed and aware of display rules.
- Do routine checks to ensure licences are displayed correctly.
- When hiring a security provider, ensure the contract requires staff to follow SIA licence display rules.
Why Proper SIA License Display Is Important
Displaying an SIA licence is a simple way to maintain trust and comply with the law. In 2024, over 27,000 licences were processed, and all new licence holders must follow these rules. (They are sent a letter by post that also informs them of the licence terms and conditions) By making sure your security team sticks to their terms of licensing, you protect your business from legal risks and show your commitment to professionalism.
Need help with your security needs? Reach out to discuss how licensed security professionals can make a difference for your business.